Can't say I have much enthusiasm these days. The snow is coming back, AGAIN! It's been so gloomy, with rain, sleet, snow, WIND...Have I mentioned that I have tendencies to believe I am truly living in the wrong country?! Where is the beautiful, warm sunshine?!
I realize just now that I didn't write about the visit with mom and my bro! It's been just over a week since they all left, well, like I mentioned, I have been lacking some get-up-and-go!
It was a great visit though. It had been so long since I had seen my brother, and it was wonderful for him to get the opportunity to finally meet Makiya! Also, the opportunity to get to know his special girl. We have met, but really not for any length of time, and certainly not in the way we got to spend time during this visit! It was nice to have mom and bro together as well, that had been even longer...My brother had only been here twice before, once as a child and a few years ago at Christmas, his girlfriend had never been. We all went to the Zoo, which was neat, I think they really enjoyed it! We cooked dinner for mom one night, sadly in our eyes it "didn't turn out quite right" (we inherit THAT particular gene from our father! ) , but in the end, how can you go wrong with ribs, roasted potatoes, salad and garlic toast?! We enjoyed (?!) late nights, and early mornings (good morning Makiya!) crazy conversations, several "beverages", some sunshine and parks, Red Lobster (YUM!) and time spent closely together. It was good. And like my now ex-brother-in-law, Will, used to say, "good to see you come, good to see you go!!" All in good humour, but like any good holiday, sometimes you need an extra holiday just to recover!!

Makiya has been developing "the attitude"! 16 months old, and I think we may be into the "Terrible Twos"! She has been very consistent with the "No" headshake, smiling that impish, eye-gleaming grin as she ventures forward in action she knows to be unacceptable, and adding me to her list of things she is now hitting! She is acting like such a little bumkins! She clenches her fists, goes in half circles stomping her feet, and cries "real" tears, face all squished up and red! YIKES! Is all I can say!
Her little "queen" wave is a favorite at bedtime, she pushes away from hugs and kisses with daddy, giving her little wave and now her blown kiss! Hand to the mouth for an exaggerated moment, then she throws her hand out...MMMMWWWWAAAA!!!
Have I mentioned how vain my little girl is already?! Give her anything, from a hat or purse, to a toy or to the mirror she goes! She LOVES the mirror! She shows off in front of it, watches herself move, make faces, laughs this crazy little laugh, dances, stomps is the most precious thing!
Her poor little word from the doctors yet, and I guess I should give them a follow-up phone call. During the family visit, we didn't really notice her eyes straying out, but it sure has picked back up. We are constantly saying "where's your eyes?" and she'll point at it, close it and back to center...I really have a tough time with it, I know it should be just fine, and fairly easy to treat, but...I just don't want this for her!
My baby girl! My little monkey! My smart, smart girl! Mmmmwwwaaaa!!!
Mom-in-Laws birthday dinner yesterday. She came over with Hubby's sister and her two kids and we had a nice little dinner and cake. Makiya loves it when they come to play! She gets to kiss her baby cousin and play with the older 4 year old cousin. It was a nice little visit, and against my protests, my sis-in-law did all of the dishes! Such a sweet treat, let me tell you! Man I miss having a dishwasher!! Oh, a real one, I do not mean my SIL!
I finished a great book, brought by mom of course! (long story to save for another day, but we'll leave it at, Mom and myself, we LOVE books, and the many we have in our possessions will tell THAT truth!) It has actually been months since I really read....loved it! Imperfect Birds-Anne Lamott is a great read. Check out mom's blog she has a link to a great review she wrote about the book!
Well, a little rambling on...but, here's to another week!